Heavy duty beveling machine GMM100L – cooperation with a large pressure vessel factory in Jiangsu

The project I am going to talk about today is the application of our heavy-duty beveling machine 100L in large pressure vessels.

Here is the specific case process of our cooperation.

Customer Profile: The customer is a large pressure vessel factory in Jiangsu, mainly engaged in the manufacturing of boilers and pressure vessels. Through communication, it was learned that the customer needs to process stainless steel plate beveles for pressure vessels, while also ensuring the strength of welding joints and the quality of welds. They focus on processing efficiency and accuracy, hoping to improve production efficiency while ensuring the consistency of the beveles. The on-site processing test plate is a 12 meter long, 20mm thick stainless steel 316L plate with a beveles width of 28mm. Based on the customer's needs, we recommend a 100L plate beveling machine that can be completed in one go. The on-site audience and leaders are very satisfied with the processing results and hope to further cooperate with us in the future to introduce more equipment.

Collaborative product: GMMA-100L heavy-duty beveling machine

Processing plate: Stainless steel 316L, 20mm thick

Process requirements: The bevel requirement is a 45 degree angle without blunt edges, with a bevel width of 28mm

Processing speed: 350mm/min

Customer site: The smoothness of the beveles surface is high, and the quality of the flat surface is good.

plate beveling machine

Customer review: Very satisfied with the beveles effect, will continue to introduce more equipment in the future.

plate beveling machine manufacturer

Advantages of GMMA100L heavy-duty beveling machine for ultra thick sheet metal: The new model introduces innovative technology with stable and high-performance performance. It can process thick and heavy sheet metal with simple and convenient operation, and is widely applicable in various industries.

The beveles width reaches 110mm, the beveles angle can be adjusted without steps from 0 to 90 degrees, and the beveles speed can be adjusted freely from 0 to 1500mm/min.

For further insteresting or more information required about Edge milling machine and Edge Beveler. please consult phone/whatsapp +8618717764772

email: commercial@taole.com.cn

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Post time: Aug-28-2024